The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59799   Message #955047
Posted By: Gene
18-May-03 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: China Doll
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: China Doll

1/I'm tired of cryin'
And all her lyin'
That's why I'm buyin'
A china doll

2/Her eyes are bluer
Her thoughts are purer
Her lips are truer
My china doll

3/I'd rather have a doll of clay
That I could call my own
Than someone else just like you
With a heart of stone

4/She'll never leave me
She'll not deceive me
And never grieve me
My china doll

5/No tears or sorrow
No sad tomorrow
No one can borrow
My china doll

Repeat Verse 2

Repeat Verse 3

Repeat Verse 4