The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59743 Message #955207
Posted By: Bob Bolton
19-May-03 - 12:04 AM
Thread Name: overton whistles
Subject: RE: overton whistles
G'day Tyghress,
By "backpressure" do you mean that it takes a lot of pressure to play?
If so, how long ago did you have your Overton? I have two very old Overtons ... probably the first brought into Australia - un-branded, but clearly Bernard's work - bought by folklorist Graham Seal when he was studying at Leeds (late '70s / early '80s?). These are much harder to blow than my more modern (and branded) Overtons, which have both broader and deeper wind passages.
I note that GUEST,mark dunlop - 3 posts above - says his high D "takes a fair bit of puff" and I suspect he means that it has too little backpressure - as mine seems to - particularly after playing the very old C or low F I have had for decades.
All that said, each may vary, but all can be played quite well within the range of "normal" whistle technique. My low D is beautiful - but a fair stretch for my short, stubby hands - and works best with "pipers' hold" fingering. Bernard clearly believes that "theoretical" hole spacing is sacrosanct. (I have seen one of Colin Goldie's Overtons - made, under license in Germany, with a neatly rearranged right hand hole spacing that allows much more comfort - and still gives nice tone and volume ... I think it was sent to haunt me ... the serial number turned out to be #666!)