The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59832   Message #955644
Posted By: GUEST,
19-May-03 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: Origins: I Don't Mind Failing (Malvina Reynolds)
Subject: Origins: I don't mind failin' in this world,
This question was posed to the Phildelphia Folksong Society and Mike Miller (who couldn't figure it out), suggested that I start this thread and assured me that someone out there would know the answer. The lyrics are:
    "I don't mind failin' in this world,
    I don't mind failin' in this world,
    I don't mind wearin' my ragged britches,
    'Cause them that ..... are the sons of bitches,
    I don't mind failin' in this world."
Thanks for your assistance.