The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19122   Message #956786
Posted By: GUEST
21-May-03 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Barbara Allen (different versions)
Subject: Lyr Add: BARBARA ALLEN (from George Belton)
I sing a version that I learnt first hand from an old Sussex farmer, George Belton.

The theme is the same.
The words are similar to the ones written in this thread except for verse where she spurns him because he didn't buy her a drink!!

Barbara Allen (collected from George Belton)

'Twas in the merry month of May,
The flowers were a-blooming;
A young man on his deathbed lay
For the love of Barbara Allen O,
For the love of Barbara Allen.

He sent his gallant serving man
To the place where she was dwelling.
He said you ,must come to my master's house
If your name be Barbara Allen O,
If your name be Barbara Allen.

So quickly she put on her hat,
And quickly she descended,
Until she came to his bedside,
She said young man you're a-dying O
She said young man you're a-dying.

Oh don't say so, when a kiss from you,
A kiss from you shall save me.
A kiss from me you never shall have,
Even though your heart is a-breaking O,
Even though your heart is a-breaking.

For remember it was but the other night,
You were in a alehouse drinking.
You offered a glass to all around,
But none to Barbara Allen O
But none to Barbara Allen.

Look down, look down by my bedside
You'll see a bowl there standing.
It's filled with the blood
That I shed for the love.
For the love of Barbara Allen O,
For the love of Barbara Allen.

Look up, look up from my bedside,
You'll see a gold watch hanging.
Give that gold watch and that gold chain
To hardhearted Barbara Allen O
To hearhearted Barbara Allen.

Dear mother, mother make my shroud.
Make it both long and narrow.
For my true love has died tonight.
And I will die the morrow O
And I will die the morrow.

They both were buried in the same churchyard
They were buried close together.
And out of him there grew a rose,
And out of her a briar O
And out of her a briar.

They grew, they grew to the church steeple top
Till they could grow no higher.
And there entwined in a true lover's knot
For all true lovers to admire O
For all true lovers to admire.

Pop Hwyl!

Dave R.