The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11976   Message #95681
Posted By: Guy Wolff
15-Jul-99 - 11:47 PM
Thread Name: What 'serious' song do you giggle through?
Subject: RE: What 'serious' song do you giggle through?
Years ago I used to play at the Folkway in Peterbourgh NH and I'de play some things with Johnathan Hall who was a co Owner of the place... Johnathan was the best staight man I have ever met... He would start into that beautifull ballad about Amellia Erhart ,,,,You can just amagine what one could do with "HAppy Landings TO you" or "in shark infested waters". To this day I can't beleave how even-faced that man kept...He was an inspiration....I would like to apologise for anything I did back then that was in bad taste...and it is a beautifull song... GUY<<<>>>><<<<>>>><<<<>>><<<<>>