The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20913   Message #957413
Posted By: Joe Offer
22-May-03 - 12:03 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Galbally Farmer
Subject: DTADD Version: Cranbally Farmer
The Voice of the people CD serices has a 1983 recording of "Cranbally Farmer," sung by Tom Lenihan of County Clare. The lyrics are very similar to vesions of "Galbally Farmer" and "Darby O'Leary" that have been posted here - but there are interesting differences.
-Joe Offer-


One evening of late as I happened to stray
To the county Tipperary I straight took my way,
To dig the potatoes and work by the day,
I hired with the Cranbally farmer.

I asked him how far we were bound for to go.
The night it was dark and the North winds did blow.
I was hungry and tired and my spirits were low.
I had neither whiskey nor porter.

He heeded me no answer but mounted his steed.
To the Cranbally mountains we posted with speed.
I said to myself that my poor heart would bleed
To be trudging behind that old nagger.

When we entered his kitchen, I entered it first.
It seemed like a kennel or a ruined old church,
Says Ito myself, "I am left in the lurch
Here in the house of old Darby O'Leary."

I well recollect it was Michaelmas night
To an awful bad supper he did me invite,
A cup of sour milk that would physic a snipe
Your stomach 'twould put in disorder.

'Twas then that old miser I looked at with a frown,
When the straw was brought in for to make my shake-down.
I wish I had never seen Cranbally town
Or the sky over Darby O'Leary.

I've worked in Kilcolomb; I've worked in Kilmore;
I've worked in Knockbrack and in Shanballymore.
In palace in acre and sallow damor (?)
With decent respectable farmers.

I've worked in Tipperary; the rag and rose green.
I've worked in Knockernie and the bridge of Eileen,
But such willful starvation I've never yet seen,
As I got from Darby O'Leary.