The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59921   Message #957960
Posted By: Alba
22-May-03 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Conservative, Liberal, or Human Being?
Subject: RE: BS: Conservative, Liberal, or Human Being?
Not the case in America Gareth. It's the Republicans (nearly like the Conservative Party in the UK but less Humanity and until recently no accountablity but that is changing Thank Goodness).. that change their speech depending on the audience..Ties on, ties off, The dressing for effect goes all the way to the top with this crowd....Pathetic. This present administration here make Margaret Thatcher seem like Mother Teresa......(sorry Mother Teresa)
As for Rust Limpburger...verbal diarrhea at it's worst. Kind of comforting though cause while he is attacking the Liberal minded of this Country it means that we are pissing them off. Great. Long may we be the thorn in his odious side!