The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59862   Message #958222
Posted By: pattyClink
23-May-03 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: Folk for the Younger Generations.
Subject: RE: Folk for the Younger Generations.
Peter and Jeanie, you are absolutely correct that teens are drawn like moths to the glamour of pubs. However, in the US they are NOT ALLOWED in such places. There are exceptions here and there particularly for underage performers, but by and large, bars and nightclubs have staff who check I.D.s. (yes I know there fake IDs but your average honest kid is not into that at age 15)

This backs up what others admit is going on. A sizeable group of kids like the music at festivals, but there is no routine place they can hang out and hear the stuff, and I contend that's because it's almost all in adult venues. The only ones who really pursue it despite this are the young players themselves who can hold sessions at houses, etc. But the audience....there is none until the next festival, when Brigadoon appears and disappears.