The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59921   Message #959438
Posted By: Sam L
26-May-03 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Conservative, Liberal, or Human Being?
Subject: RE: BS: Conservative, Liberal, or Human Being?
No, John, not exactly. I did see the cautious and respectful way you explain liberal thinking, but you know, when you get to conservatives you contrast them against the very things you were cautious not to say when you outlined liberal ideas. So it's a little muddled for me.

   I don't vehemently agree that the market doesn't reward "effort" although I certainly might in some cases, just like anybody might. But I think it much more reliably rewards effort than actual value, or social good, which I set somewhat apart from any and all efforts to be rewarded by the market. Keep in mind that the same system that gives a baker an interest in baking you bread also gives a doctor an interest in cutting you. (A personal view, since every single member of my immediate family has been slated for surgeries they didn't need, and some more than once.) Since productivity and commercial viability can include goods ills and indifferents, it seems an error to conflate effort and good.

   I think it's a good and persuasive outline, but, to some degree, like a paranoid liberal conspiracy theory, it has the fatal flaw of making too much hypothetical sense. It doesn't account for the liberal and conservative positions that don't sort out that way, like say, nuclear energy. It doesn't see culture.

I was just hoping to goad you on this idea of economies based on productivity, because I simply don't see what it means. When you say that conservatives recognise market demand as a limitation, I'd suggest there's more to be said on that point. Again, some cultural concerns.

And I'd revise somebody having what they want/somebody not having what they need. I don't think it's quite right, is out of proportion, but maybe that's just me.