The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59921   Message #959708
Posted By: Rapparee
27-May-03 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Conservative, Liberal, or Human Being?
Subject: RE: BS: Conservative, Liberal, or Human Being?
Why do we insist upon labeling people and ideas? Seems to me that at different times different ideas are appropriate and useful. But instead we hear of "Tax And Spend" Democrats, but nothing of "Tax And Borrow" Republicans. We hear of "Knee Jerk" Liberals and "Consciousless Conservatives."

If the point of the Conservatives is to support business, then wasn't FDR's "New Deal" conservative in that its avowed purposed was to get American businesses back into production? And isn't Bush's campaign agaisnt AIDS in Africa something you'd expect from a Liberal?