The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60092   Message #960389
Posted By: GUEST,Lidy
28-May-03 - 07:24 AM
Thread Name: The North-South Divide
Subject: The North-South Divide
Ok, there seems to be an awful lot going on "oop narth" (i'm not ridiculing, my family are Hull-based and I love them dearly!). And there seems to be a bit going on "dahn sahth", mostly represented by the good folks of southern hampshire. I live in Bucks and spend a lot of time in London. Anyone else reckon this area is seriously lacking in decent goings on music wise? Or do I just not know where it's happening? It seems that all the festivals I'm off to are a good two hour's drive from me etc.
Anyone got any triad secrets (beds bucks herts; not some weird shanghai links)?!
Would love to hear abou them.