The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60096   Message #960463
Posted By: Peter T.
28-May-03 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Bad Writing Contest (Enter Often)
Subject: Mudcat Bad Writing Contest (Enter Often)
A spinoff from the Good Writing Thread. A paragraph (or more) of quality (!) bad writing -- your own please. A modest entry to start off (I am not really warmed up):

"Melissa sensed that her dragon was unhappy, and reached into her bag of dragonsongs, but came up empty. There were only the two of them now -- the vast, immense snakelike, rippling creature who, in blithelier days, she would mount, feeling his great dragonness heaving below her, yet responsive to her every touch, as they winged their way in freedom over the face of Adrelgador and the sun and the wind of her home world streaked her face -- and she, bardess of Dragons. But, now that the war with the Men of Malfician was lost, the songs were all sung, and the dragons were all dragged."