The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60096   Message #960726
Posted By: katlaughing
28-May-03 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Bad Writing Contest (Enter Often)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Bad Writing Contest (Enter Often)
I've just entered this, twice, but it didn't take. Perhaps because it is so gawd-awful?

The Twarps were running the bar on Aaltroous when our ship set down on a long flight from Timbuk2009-V-Sector. In a flash, Gordon the pilot, aimed his Warz-tag900-Bmodel Twarp-in-ator and took them out, one, two, three, four, eventually all 500 hundred of them in the time it took the rest of us to unfold our daddy long legs, stretch our antennae and step down.

So this was Aaltroous, famous planet of the Twarps and Twidgerees and their lackeys the Salavator300.98v6s originally from over in the North4000.56 vector7. That was a long hop, about 9.34972 billion light years if I had my guestimator working right. I wondered how they'd made it. It didn't really matter, though, flashing Gordon had taken care of that. Now, they were One with their owners, the pulverised, putrid, smoking, steaming mass that had been Twarps and Twidgerees, or T&Ts, also included the Salavator300.98v6s, all 5000 of them. God, they were rank smelling.

With a knee crack and another stretch of my antennae, I scampered over to the far end of the bar and bit open a bottle of Cricket de menthe. I figured that'd be a good start on washing down the crispy critters courtesy of our dear Flash.