The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60096   Message #960799
Posted By: alanabit
28-May-03 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Bad Writing Contest (Enter Often)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Bad Writing Contest (Enter Often)
TV Script for a soap opera (I used to translate the bloody things)
Ellie: Joe, I know this is hard...
Joe : What's hard Ellie?
Ellie: Well Joe, it's like this...
Joe : What's it like Ellie?
Ellie: I know this is going to hurt you...
Joe : What's going to hurt Ellie?
Ellie: Well, Joe, when that airliner crashed this morning it landed...
Joe : But it didn't land Ellie - It crashed...
Ellie: And when it crashed, it crashed...
Joe : Sure did Ellie...
Ellie: It crashed on your house Joe..
Joe : On my house?
Ellie: On your house Joe and your wife Rita, and little Jack and Sue were in there too...
Joe : And Rover?
Ellie: I'm afraid he passed with them...