The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60112   Message #960976
Posted By: catspaw49
28-May-03 - 11:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rick's health Update
Subject: RE: BS: Rick's health Update
Rick I feel the need to add a few comments to your post. In case your mind is caved totally as well, my comments are the ones in italics.

Well, if it's true that what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger, then I should be ready to bench press about five thousand pounds! Uh, yeah, well, don't count on it. In case your estimate is a bit off you could wind up with a double hernia on top of everything else

It's been an absolutely hell of a year health-wise around here, and I'll try to briefly (typing ain't a lot of fun these day) fill you in. Wonderful! Now I can quit lying to people who write and ask me about you! Also it generally takes about 4 or 5 of us comparing notes to figure out what is really going on anyway and this is an icredible pain in the you are Rick....As some of you know I've been fighting kidney cancer which has sort of bounced around since my kidney-removal operation last year. This is the first time I recall hearing cancer compared to Flubber I'm currently on chemo-therapy and have had a "Porta-Cath" installed. Since Cletus, Paw, and the Reg Boys are in the porta-pottie business, Clete wanted me to ask if there was a way they might get in on this porta-cath business as well.... It's like having a 'fire hydrant' implanted in yourself, Did they also implant a Hook and Ladder truck? when there's a fire....they just hook up the hose! I wear a belly pack with a computer-chemo-pump, and they just plug it into the 'porta cath'. Now I have this mental image of a bunch of minaturized Dave Swans running around your innards squirting at balls of Flubber, a kind of conglomeration of "Backdraft" meets "Fantastic Voyage" with Pam Swan in the Raquel Welch part.

That's just the beginning!

So far this year, I've been:

irrigated four times (don't ask) I won't except to inquire whether you planted corn or soybeans.

Probed up both wazoos by those dreaded steel rods with cameras!! But aren't you happy that technology has kept pace? Otherwise it would be a Brownie Hawkeye on the end of wrought iron railing.

Endured successful bladder cancer surgery. Have you noticed that the surgery is the easiest part of these things?

Three bone scans I have only ONE bone I want scanned, Frankly this ain't nothin' but a good pickup line...."Hey Nurse.....Could you scan my bone for me?"

Four MRIs Manly Ruminant Insertions? Listen Rick, there ain't nothin' manly about shagging sheep regardless of what Kendall says. The Llahma ain't too manly either........

Four Ultra sounds Geeziz Keyriced!!!....You had to sit through four Ted Nugent concerts as well? Well hell, I dunno'......I suppose you needed something to do while shaggin' the sheep.

Two re-hydrations Actually I'm surprised it wasn't four what with the Nugent concerts and nailing the sheep and all.....


I'm pretty much of a loner when it comes to dealing with sickness yeah, but how are you with perversions? (I absolutely HATE talking about ailments) so lots of good friends have had to deal with a minimum of information, No shit? Do ya' think? See the section above about your friends comparing notes....geeziz.....and for that I apologize, but we all have our ways of coping. Next time try a saw Some pray, some employ alternative healing techniques, and others go back to age-old remedies. I deal with a kind of "know yer body" approach and after you learned your body you were completely disgusted weren't you?, combined with LOTS of laughter and jokes (too many for some!! It's not the quantity Rick, it's the quality) and I'll probably get through this although it is no sure-thing, believe me. I should hope not!!! Otherwise our entire betting pool is thrown into a cocked hat and I'm pretty heavily invested..... Whatever happens, I'm dealing with it as best I can. Yeah right...As far as I can tell your treatment seems to consist of tiny El Swannos hosing Flubber while you bang sheep at Ted Nugent concerts. I dunno' may work out for you!! I may not be on Mudcat as much as before but I'll probably still give a look in every couple of days until this chemo is over (September) Okay Rick, here's the deal....If you're feeling great, post ONE dozen times a week; if you're feeling poorly, post TWO dozen times a week; if you're dead, post THREE dozen times a week....hopefully then I'll get back to my favourite hobby on a regular basis.   Say what? Hobby? You're already bangin' the sheep ferchrissakes...
