The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60096   Message #961660
Posted By: Cluin
30-May-03 - 01:40 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Bad Writing Contest (Enter Often)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Bad Writing Contest (Enter Often)
Call me Ishmael.

   Yadda yadda yadda homina homina homina yackity smackity. Hurbily burbily fleebity flewtery fly. Riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodious vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs. Skinna ma rinky dinky dink; skinna marinky doo. Soo soo soodeeo? Hoocheemama! You should not have come back, Obi Wan. Rubby dub dub wid lub inna tub. John Grady poured himself another coffee.

   All mimsy were the borogroves and the mome raths outgrabe. Dung nung nung nung gung. Damn your eyes, man! They outgrabe, I say! Sassinfrassa takahashi lhasa apso franistan. His male name is "Begotten, Perfect Mind", and his female name is "All-wise Begettress Sophia." Hoowah! Sim sim salabim... Rosanne Kobar! Onchess nobsis; innob keesis. "Jonny! Hadji! Keep your heads down, boys!"

   The inky dinky spider went up the water spout. Zooey tie filbertson? Shit poo shitty and a pow pow pow! Shilfy falferton co tun rotunda. I am thy father's spirit; doom'd for a certain term to walk the night. Gackiter rack ta mackita sack chack flackeroo. Zo jann cull sigganee intel gone zinfandel tanelorn. All things, O monks, are on fire. Whoop tee doo! Ga haha yee hay hey heya hey. Punchbuggy; no punchbacks. !Kung sleepers weepers keepers, jeepers creepers; where'd you get them peepers? Norn tahree feelabung ta zoo? "You jest," he exclaimed, recoiling a few paces. "But let us proceed to the Amontillado." Waha hoo! Everybody wang chung tonight. Bada boom bada bing.

   "Fortunately, ah keep mah feathahs numbered for jus' sech an emergenseh."

   Rave on, John Donne and Fart smartly, cheeky tart. So chulba nin gin filton and swinker sigh gunsel tin town gulf. And now the Wasichus had made another treaty to take away from us about half the land we had left. And crow man kye ton vilgin mo creaser. Wilby nun till vygin shnowzola. Vigil strange I kept on the field one night. Meeker tan vow, sun hee way. Hee keek neeker sife tannaroo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, comsect quis nostrud exercitation ullam corp squidbite to the uterus, my drolly roxut o' the flolumberry eyes. He and Egil walked inside, taking half of Arinbjörn's men with them and leaving the rest outside the door. Grilst hintin vowd? Nygin fleaful, so gwulthin hay!! How rotten for Daphne!

   Humma gumma naw go hillabay geetch... Wheep hoo!

   Come to think of it, how rotten for me, too.

   Snawdilg int kywin lubbadub. Sheedle fydle ingye nildirt giesin viddle. Meen? Togar. So they loaded up the truck and they moved to Beverly. Nine sidle downer tin corson zeet boyd, zo chilgar vere dey. Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis. Tem est poribud autem right in the yump gwilger whenever he reached down for his miezenfliger.

   "Ah, Luthien Gilthananiel! So marveluminous are your wunkterflaggers in the felluginous glow from my electromandibular chugwugger. Please perform again in all splendifular maxitrunction, the Dance of the Seventeen Flexofellation Variations (as choreoscripted so proglaciously by Lady Shloopp herself, no less) whilst I twerdle and smulg in ranxtorous glee above thee."

   Alas, go tilken cab as the shuzzger manker swann'd pilfanye tossward mockertly. So fible fwink go lankus dink. He was her man, but he was doin' her wrong. Coeful dreens did spank the wallabing in ankertuss swads. You are killing me, fish, the old man thought. And then the jostankers flolloped costallition thuds in profusion. Sammon finer dropped in the killer whale tank, greamlinning velsmirchedly. Oh, the golglomming! I blew the candle out and left the cabin. Soupin meener somun highwire. Ha! Spunca dinga danga ringa rangaroo.

   And I only am escaped alone to tell thee.