The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59921   Message #962360
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-May-03 - 11:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Conservative, Liberal, or Human Being?
Subject: RE: BS: Conservative, Liberal, or Human Being?
Over 90% of all political iniatives are crap too, but...that which is truly viable and effective tends to outlast that which is not. That which is memorable tends to outlast that which is forgettable. That which is well balanced and of great value tends to succeed, while that which is out of balance and of little value falls into disuse and dissolution.

And all of that is contrary to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, I presume? If the Universe were lifeless, merely mechanistic, and without purpose it would definitely decay and go down to eventual cold death, but it's not.

The scientific reductionist has argued himself into a position where ultimately nothing matters...including his own conclusions. Too bad for him.

Everything that rises must converge. That's a mystical statement, not a physically oriented one. Think it over.

- LH