The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15390 Message #962428
Posted By: RoyH (Burl)
31-May-03 - 05:55 AM
Thread Name: A. L. Lloyd: History and anecdotes?
Subject: RE: A.L. Lloyd:History and anecdotes?
Hi Nerd, (an inappropriate name given the quality of your postings)I didn't know that about those songs. In fact I've not heard of 'One of the Has-Beens' at all, I'd welcome some information on it. My opinions are from aquaintance with Bert, I haven't studied his work very deeply. I do know from conversation and from reading his books and sleeve notes that he could offer conjecture as fact sometimes. I used his own phrase about 'cobbling together' to describe what he did with songs. He never denied it, not to me at any rate, in fact he was quite proud that his 'cobbling' had given new life to some moribund songs. Bert, like all of us, had his flaws, but yes, he was a 'giant force for the good in the revival'. Thanks for the link into those Canadian journal pieces. Excellent.