The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60231   Message #963085
Posted By: Raggytash
06-Jun-03 - 05:53 AM
Thread Name: punch the horse june thread
Subject: RE: punch the horse june thread
Well done that man, getting jolly bored without the old thread to warble on, don't you know. Cabbage crate over the blighty and all that
Moustache is firmly waxed and twisled for this forthcoming weekend frivolities in the dear old Bay, Loins oiled and girded. New Goggles (alas not scented)polished, strings taut and tense ready for twanging (can't beat a good old twanging I say, makes one glow) So roll on this evening and God help the poor unsuspecting buggers, they won't know it's coming and when they do, it will be all over.

Over to you Ossen old chap, see you this evening, Jolly dee