The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59921   Message #963167
Posted By: GUEST,Larry Kaufman
06-Jun-03 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Conservative, Liberal, or Human Being?
Subject: RE: BS: Conservative, Liberal, or Human Being?
A few facts from the IRS web site.   

Bracket      Earn       Pay in Tax
1%          20.8%       37.4%
5%          35.5%       56.5%
10%          46.0       67.4%
50%          87.0%       96.1%

The top 10% of wage earners (ave family income around $93,000) earn 46% of the money but pay almost 70% of the taxes.   The liberals say this is not enough.   How much should the top 10% pay- 80%, 90%, 110%?

Conversely, the bottom 50% of wage earners (half of us) pay less than 4% of the income tax.   Is that fair?

I heard a great comparison about the recent flap over giving tax child credit to the lower income people who don't pay income tax. Two people walk into a store and purchase the identical item for $10.   One pays with a ten dollar bill.   The other pays with a hundred dollar bill and get ninety dollars back.   The first one complains why he doesn't get the ninety dollars back and demands that he gets ninely dollars back as well.