The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59921   Message #963226
Posted By: Strick
06-Jun-03 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Conservative, Liberal, or Human Being?
Subject: RE: BS: Conservative, Liberal, or Human Being?
But you see, there it is. Both sides ignore the human behavior they want to ignore and exaggerate that which offends them. Whenever anyone talks about those rich people sitting on their money, I remember what I know about how much effort goes into putting that money to work and the jobs that are created. Neither comsumer spending nor capital investment are the sole way to stimulate an economy. If they aren't balanced, it all goes to hell. And infrastructure is critical, if, and I say if, it's the right infrastructure and the investment in it and the management of it are wise. That's hard. Who makes the choices? Pot holes or voting machines?

The sole difference between us is that I advocate a critical attitude to the political process that would drive market intervention as well as a critical attitude toward the market econonmy. In the end, both are motivated largely by greed. The difference is that the market can be cruel because it's a natural force; the political process can be just as cruel human but has a human face.