The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60231   Message #964025
Posted By: ossonflags
08-Jun-03 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: punch the horse june thread
Subject: RE: punch the horse june thread
Congrats on getting the new set of plumbing smallpipes, one of my favourite instruments.They would have to be loud indeed to beat the accordian player in the Robin Hoods Bay on saturday arternoon, who tried (in vain) to drown me out at Raggys sesh in the "Dolphin"

Great weekend, Raggy and karen and Colin and George and Dereck and the rest of the Robin Hoods bay red eyed formation drinking team.

Just a comment on petes sun session.I think what makes that session so special is that it is differant every time.I can speak with a little authority having attended since the start nearly five years ago and missed about twice.In that time I have made loads of new chums and seen seen loads of people, especialy the young ones been given lots of encouragement and support to dip their toes in the magic pool of music. I, like most of us believe that the best sessions are the ones that have a good balance of tunes and song, but sometimes it just doesnt work that way.I can take the point about songs that are a little near the nuckle in mixed company, but that I am afraid is the nature of the beast - have a listen to Bert lloyds "Bird in the Bush" for example.I remember being asked by Rachel,Deanies missus to tape her some shanties for a project she was doing at school, which I did with some trepidation, as some of those were a little risque to say the least.She reported back that the kids loved them,and did I have any more!!.

People enjoying themselves ,treating people with respect and doing what they do well is what counts,whether a singer musician or a listener. I have seen loads of that since the start of the "first sunday in the month" thrashes.Long may it continue and lets keep music live!!!!