The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60281   Message #964278
Posted By: Bobert
08-Jun-03 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: Palestinians aim to destroy peace proces
Subject: RE: Palestinians aim to destroy peace proces
Well, I certainly hope and pray that this time it will be different. I really do. With all of my heart.

But I don't see any reason why it will be different. The same obsticles still exist and folks aren't talking about them seriously. Yeah, Isreal still wants the Palestinians to submit to Isreal's preconditions and the Palestianians still want the settlers and army occupation forces to leave.

To further comlplicate matters, the US does noe have good working relations with the Aran nations, who are a vital part of success in any Middle East peace, because it invaded and is now occupying Iraq.

Hmmmmmm? I think all we are seeing is some politaical posturing but no real progress toward settling this major human crisis.

I hope I'm wrong, but don't think so. This is more about political polls than leadership, I fear.
