The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60281   Message #964638
Posted By: Mark Clark
09-Jun-03 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: Palestinians aim to destroy peace proces
Subject: RE: Palestinians aim to destroy peace proces
In his 1954 novel about the Mau Mau uprising, Robert Rurak quotes the following Basuto proverb:
If a man does away with his traditional way of living and throws away his good customs, he had better first make certain that he has something of value to replace them.
From the Palestinian point of view, suppose a determined group of illegal immigrants, claiming to be acting on orders from God, began flooding your country despite your best efforts to stop them. Then suppose those illegal immigrants started performing acts of disruption and terrorism within your country. Then suppose the international community decided your country wasn't yours any longer but now belonged to the illegal immigrants who had been disrupting your social order and was prepared to enforce its decision with military force. Now suppose you are hated and marginalized in what had been your country and wherever you tried to go, the new masters swarmed in and pushed you out. Would you be pissed off? Would you be pissed off enough to kill somebody? Would it make any difference that you couldn't possibly win a military victory or would you still just want to blow somebody up?

Attention, Washington! Is anybody awake?

      - Mark