The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60281   Message #965690
Posted By: Teribus
11-Jun-03 - 06:51 AM
Thread Name: Palestinians aim to destroy peace proces
Subject: RE: Palestinians aim to destroy peace process
"ArabNet is owned by ArabNet Technology (ANT), part of the Saudi Research and Marketing Group, publisher of the leading newspapers and magazines in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia including Asharq Al-Awsat. The managing director of ANT is Mr. Yasser El Dabbagh, who welcomes all feedback."

And this is what Mark Clark offers up as;

"a surprisingly neutral albeit high-level account of events in the history of Palestine, check out some of the articles on the history of Palestine at Arab.Net and especially, the article entitled Jewish-Arab Conflict. These articles aren't the ravings of mad terrorists but studied and reasoned accounts by professional journalists in the Middle East."

I am sure that the world and it's uncle are aware of the fact that freedom of the press is of paramount importance in Saudi Arabia. The, "neutral albeit high-level account of events", detailed in the link referred to are over-simplistic and broad brushed to the point idiocy.

The solution to the conflict requires that both sides face up to, and acknowledge, the lies and errors of the past - that exercise is an essential part of reconciliation.

The examples I gave are accurate accounts of what transpired as deduced from numerous investigations. The riots were instigated on the basis of completely unfounded lies and fabrications - that is not only fact, it is accurate, it is the truth. That has to be acknowledged by the religious and political leadership of the Palestinians and they must ensure that their people know that and are taught that.

Bobert says above that, "we all know that the US, if it wished can broker this deal." - Hell as like Bobert, there is not an Arab on this earth who would ever regard the United States as an honest broker regarding this conflict. The UN can broker this deal with the wholehearted support of the United States - that is a completely different matter and would stand some chance of success.

Mark Clark is perfectly correct when he says, "The present situation was largly created by the world community and isn't going to be solved without help from the world community." The operative word is help, no solution can be imposed, the parties immediately involved have to come to the realisation that they do live in the same area and that their best interests are served in adopting, and maintaining, peaceful co-existence with each other. The State of Israel is an established fact, its existence is recognised by the United Nations. The Palestinians must universally recognise that as an unassailable fact. The Jews are not going to be driven back into the sea, the Palestinians are not going to recover the land they held in 1947 - and its about time that realisation was brought home to all and accepted once and for all.