The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58916 Message #965788
Posted By: MMario
11-Jun-03 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'Da trunken sie die liebe lange nacht'
Subject: RE: drinking song, translation
The tune in Songwright format - modified where the english bridges two notes.
N-Da Trunken Sie N- And So They Drank C- German Traditional A- translation Wilfried Schaum T- S-150 K-C B-2/2 F- H- M-4R-3 C-4 C-2 B-2 A-3 D-4 D-5_B-8 C-4_A-4 L-And so they drank the live long H- M-4@-2 R-4 @-4 C-2 B-2 A-2 >-2 @-2 ?-2 L-night. In-to the mor-ning's shi-ning H- M-4>-2 R-4 >-4 >-2 >-2 @-3 ?-4 >-2_=-2 L-light. The clear and shi-ning mor H- M-4<-2 R-4 <-4 @-3 @-2 @-3 @-4 A-3 A-4 L-row. They sang and sprang so mer-ri H- M-4A-2 R-4 B-4 C-2 B-2 A-2 >-2 A-1_ L--ly. And lived with-out a sor-row H- M-3?-1 >-1_>-3 R-4 L-row.
AND THE ABC - using the original format for the tune with both German and English.
X:1 T:Da tranken sie /And So They Drank C:german traditional N:translation - Wilfried Schaum I:abc2nwc M:2/2 L:1/8 K:C z6c2|c4B4|A6d2|d3Bc2A2|G4z2G2|c4B4|A4E4| w:Da trun-ken sie die lie-be lan-ge Nacht, bis daß der lich-te w:And so they drank the live_ long_ night in-to the morn-ing's G2G2F2F2|E4z2E2|E4E4|G6F2|(E4D4)|C4z2C2|G4G2G2| w:Mor-gen an-ne-brach,der hel-le lich-te Mor_-gen. Sie sun-gen und w:shin_ -ing_ light,the clear and shin-ing mor_ -row.They sang and_ G4G2G2|A6A2|A4z2B2|c2c2B4|A4E4|(A8|F8)|E8-|E6z2 w:sprun-gen und wa-ren frohund leb-ten ohn' al-le Sor_-gen_ w:sprang so_ mer-ri-ly,and lived_ with-out a sor_-row._