The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60231   Message #966118
Posted By: Oaklet
11-Jun-03 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: punch the horse june thread
Subject: RE: punch the horse june thread
Hi LH. Returning to you question about the forests around South Ferriby, we call them plantations or spinneys. If they produced willow shoots for the basket industry and were managed by pollarding the trees, they are referred to as coppices. We use them to hide the bodies of skinned melodionists. In South Ferriby, they have blindingly obvious names such as "Top Plantation", "Middle Plantation" and oh bugger, I can't remember the name of the other one. But it is a bit further down the hill towards the river Ancholme upon which the Cannesesque lifestyle of the South Ferriby Marina society flourishes, fuelled by the oxygen of consumerism and blatant displays of conspicuous wealth.