The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2910 Message #966631
Posted By: Joe Offer
12-Jun-03 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Suitors (O Le Le O Bahia) (trad. Brazil)
Subject: DTADD: Suitors^^
There are suitors at my door, O-le-le-o-ba-hi-a Six or eight or maybe more O-le-le-o-ba-hi-a And my father wants me wed, O-le-le-o-ba-hi-a Or at least that's what he said, O-le-le-o-ba-hi-a
I told him that I will, O-le-le-o-ba-hi-a When the rivers flow uphill, O-le-le-o-ba-hi-a Or the fish begin to fly, O-le-le-o-ba-hi-a Or the day before I die, O-le-le-o-ba-hi-a