The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12306   Message #96735
Posted By: Mudjack
19-Jul-99 - 01:09 AM
Sorry Spaw.... I hugged em all and did'nt share with you since I did'nt get to the PC til late today (Sun). Funny you mention it, Barbara mentioned Catspaw and two folks took off running down the lane before we caught their names. I know they were mudcatter's because they drooled from only side of their mouths.
We had ourselves a first class Mudcat gathering and looks like we recruited a few good folks from Portland Folklore Society. From the looks of whats been happening this week end, none to soon.
I hope I don't forget or overlook anyone , there was:
Blessings Barbara, our gracious hostess and family
Frank from Toledo(with family)
JR and Mrs
Sandy Bob and children
Mudjack and Mrs MJ(the boss)
We had simply the best gathering and a time to get to know one another's music and I'm here to tell you, these folks can sing and play songs like you've never heard.I thought of being their manager and taking the "Northwest Mudcat Review" on tour. The Portland Folklore Society has an abundance of talent and we Mudcatter's are soon to acquire their music expertise.These folks will give their fare share of contributions to the data base. Wuzzums to ya Catspaw....
Mudjack, who ran after them but could'nt catch em, oh, they drooled but were two young female beauties who I know needed to learn what a WUZZUM is.