The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59802   Message #967707
Posted By: wysiwyg
17-Jun-03 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
If you were thinking of coming and didn't make up your mind-- COME. This could be the ONE not to miss, a big one like the first one we did. The RSVPs don't reflect it, but there is something about Uncle Dave's deternination to come that I think augers well for something special on the verge of occurring.

Mudcatters expected as of now:

Mmario (Friday night only)
Hogeye (Probably Friday night only)
Hippie Chick (a possible stayover into Saturday)
WYSIWYG (all weekend, ha ha)
Hardiman the Fiddler (ditto)
Booster Terrik (Friday, maybe Saturday too)
Uncle_DaveO & family (May not arrive til Saturday)

Also anticipated are a number of regular Friday jammers, and several folks who have never been to our jams, all on Friday night. We'll certainly ask if they care to return for more music on Saturday. I also sent out the notice to the jamlist from downstate (and my own near/far lists), and we have had some participation from there in the past so who knows?

Saturday evening also will offer the option of the old-fashioned gospel service at our church, where we always welcome visting musicians to sit in on some easy three-chord classics and/or do an offertory.

Not sure what to say about food-- impossible to tell who will be here/when. Just have to see what happens.

RSVP's are in order to help us flex logistics, if you plan on coming over and you are not on the list above. Use the Help forum if the Cat is down, or email me at but be sure to put MUDCAT in the subject line-- it's become the spam address from hell, and it's heavily filtered nowadays.
