The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59802   Message #967919
Posted By: wysiwyg
17-Jun-03 - 05:01 PM
Thread Name: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
It goes till the next-to-last person goes to bed. You know, the one that says, "whoa, I gotta crash now," leaving the last-last person to kill all the lights! :~) Got a bed for you, too, Burke, no need to pack boatloads of stuff.

Last jam went quite late, when 2 people dropped by who had "always wanted" to come to these.... when they got here, most people had left, and there were two people here besides me and Greg. These 2 left just after the new arrivals came in-- so we stayed up playing and talking for several more hours.

We'll have the crockpot going, too, as before, for Friday arrivals. We can assess other food needs Saturday AM.

Maybe we will end up using the dorm space finally-- somebody want to use the cicular saw to cut the plywood I got for the attic dorm mattresses???
