The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60525   Message #968486
Posted By: GUEST,red and white rabbit
18-Jun-03 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: missing millions
Subject: BS: missing millions
No this is not about cash - nor is it for those of you with a delicate disposition

OKay this is my confusion - it doesnt take much - a friend of mine has recently had a baby to a guy who had had a vasectomy - no it wasnt an accident and no he didnt have his knots untied he just had a needle inserted and the sperm removed through that but - and this is the question I want answering what happens to all the millions of sperm who sally forth and hit knots? Do they turn round and go back home? do they get recycled? Do they hang around on the street corner waiting to see if they will be released or if a number 38 bus will take them somewhere else instead? Is that really what constitues a male middle aged spread? What happens? I know I can rely on you lot for the answer.