The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33289   Message #969048
Posted By: The O'Meara
19-Jun-03 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: Help: Patrick O'Brian's Desolation Island
Subject: RE: Help: Patrick O Briens Desolation Island
Russel Crowe? No no no. Aubrey is well over 6 feet, red faced, blond and constantly overweight. I reckon if Crowe plays Aubrey, they might as well get have Maturin, who closely resembles Barry Fitzgerald, played by Sting. Damn Hollywood anyway!
   BTW, did anyone notice in Jed Marum's song the title is Desolation Island but there's no mention of it anywhere in the lyrics so it doesn't make much sense unless you're an O'Brian fan. What happened to his song anyway?
