The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59802   Message #969132
Posted By: wysiwyg
19-Jun-03 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA
Subject: RE: Mudcatterings in N. Central PA

The beverage fridge will be empty (except for chilled water) and open for deposits.

Sleepovers: Burke (pine room), Bryon & pal Perry (attic dorm), maybe Hogeye & Mrs. (Widow's Walk)... Still room for more in all these areas. Have a parent-child room (bed + floor) still up for grabs. Have a few extra sleeping bags, covers, foam mats, etc.

Food: Have plenty of ice to make... huge can of fruit cocktail to open and use up.... prison meal trays scrubbed, have lots of plastic utensils, no need for paper cups (have dishwasher)... have tea, sugar, coffeemate... prolly some koolaid and Crystal Lite in there somedamnwhere... lots of condiments...

Could use (post here so people know who/what): Bread, chips, dip, snackeroonie type things... maybe a dozen eggs... meat for Saturday dinner... cheese is always nice....

Dinner Friday evening is all set, Greekish lamb or chickpea stew and couscous.

Breakfast Saturday AM is all set, eggs and pancakes with real maple syrup.

Lunch Saturday, Booster is bringing pantry items to share, and we can deputize someone to make a burger/dog run for things to throw on the grill.

Dinner Saturday, usually late, after the church service. Have veg and potatoes for a dutch-oven deal, need a couple of pounds of beef or chicken.

Sunday-- leftovers... Hardi and I each leave fairly early to do our respective Sunday AM chores (two churches), back late AM/early afternoon...

Anything else?
