The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60584   Message #970008
Posted By: Ebbie
20-Jun-03 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: What the world thinks of America
Subject: RE: BS: What the world thinks of America
A big part of the problem in getting the populace to realizing the situation they're in is television with its 'instant' news and entertainment. We've been trained to demand and accept quick resolution to any problem and those 12-second sound bytes seem to do it for us as long as those in power are in charge of the bytes. It's a lot easier to trust someone-in-authority's directive than to think it out, plus many people just can't handle political conflict. We even think that it's bad form to discuss politics except with those who feel as we do.

Oh, for the days when the Church told us all what to think, what to do and how to do it! TIC... (If you make the proper substitutions, that is about what we have today.)

Of course, this is a gross simplification; after all, under the previous administration we weren't such sheep and the opponents were viciously vociferous and vengeful. Maybe the problem is that the opponents of that administration, who today are what I consider ovine, were better organized and more cohesive then than we are today. I think Don Firth is right- we can wrench the country back to its roots and ensure a future of which to be proud.
If we are not pro-active, we, as a country, may have to just wait it out, kind of like letting an epidemic take its course. As with that hypothetical epidemic, I fear the cost will be too high.

Little Hawk- those who have the money have historically had the power, so there's nothing new there, is there? In olden, feudal times, 'we' probably agreed we needed direction, not democracy. I have no doubt that the rulers of the day got that idea across, then as now.