The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60653   Message #971215
Posted By: Joe Offer
23-Jun-03 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: Tech: print only one post?
Subject: RE: Tech: print only one post?
Hmmm. I don't think your way works, George. There is a "printer friendly" link at the top of each thread that sets the entire page up in printer-friendly format. There is also a "printer-friendly" link at the bottom of each message, and that sets the individual message up for printing. Either way, you then have to click the "print" icon on your browser. Clicking the "printer-friendly" link just sets it up for you. Try clicking the link - it won't waste paper, and you may find the results useful for other purposes.

Now, if you click on the name of the sender of a message (in the message itself), it searches for all messages posted by the sender. If you click on the sender's name up at the top of a thread, it will take you to the message posted by that person at that time.

We don't want to use the FAQ for a detailed explanation of the purpose of every link we provide at Mudcat. We encourage people to look around for themselves. You'll be amazed at what you'll find.

-Joe Offer-

P.S. Take a look at the Quicklinks Dropdown Menu, found toward the top of most Mudcat pages - there are all sorts of features in Quicklinks. Try Song Origins & Info or Russian Folk Songs, for example.