The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12384   Message #97285
Posted By: Allan C.
20-Jul-99 - 08:11 AM
Thread Name: Censor Mudcat--Y or N?(NM)(not music thread)
Subject: RE: Censor Mudcat--Y or N?(NM)(not music thread)
I got to thinking about the suggestion made to proportionalize or otherwise limit the non-music threads. Here is a thought I had a few days ago which sums up my feelings:

Picture a bunch of good friends gathered around the pickle barrel at the local general store. Many of them have lived in the area all their lives. Some moved there recently. These people have a little time on their hands and they come to the store to "just sit a spell". They talk about whatever might be of some general interest until the door opens and in walks a stranger who asks the group directions to the old vinegar mill. Well, now the members practically fall over each other trying to point and tell the stranger the "best way" to get there. After a short time the stranger thanks them and leaves. Then the conversation, perhaps one about the myriad uses for a 'possum, resumes.

So, with this image in mind, I have to say that to limit the quantity of BS threads could have an effect equal to that of putting up a "No Loitering" sign at the store.

As to deleting specific posts. In other forums I have been witness to some very good reasons for that being a necessity. In fact, I saw an instance in which a webmaster denied the "cookie" of a particularly obnoxious person. That person had inflicted wounding remarks upon a number of "regulars" and had also done far worse in private emails. I fully support both of these forms of censorship.