The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60711   Message #973059
Posted By: JedMarum
26-Jun-03 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: Music of US Civil War & Irish Immigrants
Subject: RE: Music of US Civil War & Irish Immigrants
No shameless plug at all, Dave. Sounds like worthwhile info in deed and I will check it out. This show is already to go now, but assuming we replay it a few times, we'll evolve it a few times too - and new material may well be added, so thanks very much for the "shameless plug!"

I have to say I've really been impressed with the dedication and care musician/performers and music lovers have devoted to this subject. I am a working musician with what started out to be a passing interest i the Civil War and the Irish immigrant - but I haven't been able to put that interest aside! I am not a histroian nor am I a re-enactor - but the subject is of great interest to me, and we've been careful with our preparations, as well.

Neil - I look forward to hearing from you. I'll look into that tune too.