The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60096   Message #973064
Posted By: GUEST
26-Jun-03 - 10:32 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Bad Writing Contest (Enter Often)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Bad Writing Contest (Enter Often)
So, after all these years of violent mood swings, up and down, calm to enraged, loving to solitary, happy to... well not happy really, but just kind of a little happier than no emotion at all to rather bored and depressed, he finds out that it is mostly all due to problems with his blood sugar. Which should have been apparent all along since both of his grandfathers were insulin dependent, as well as his father. And just in the past year his mother became diabetic and had to start taking her blood sugar reading every morning with that little sticking needle thing that shoots out even though you can't ever see it but still hurts like a dickens even though you never really get enough blood and have to do it all over again. Oh, and two uncles and a cousin, too. So he really should have thought about blood sugar all these years and had that checked to see if that was what was causing the mood swings.

So once he realized it was problems with blood sugar causing the emotional rollercoaster, day in and day out, he started himself on a self-controlled regime of diet and exercise to help control the mood swings. Having never been a person who much appreciated exercise for execise's sake, thinking that lifting weights was a whole lot of effort spent on doing nothing and would have much preferred to take a sickle out to an overgrown field to level all the overgrown weeds, not that that couldn't have been done with a lot less effort using a gasoline powered weedeater, but at least all the manual labor would have been accomplishing something, the thoughts of going to the gymnasium just kind of irked him. And it didn't really help that once he got down to the gymnasium that it was full of school kids in their extracurricular sporting events such as basketball, volleyball (I thought that was supposed to be played on the beach?), or track events such as the discus, hurdles, shot put, and that round ball on a rope that they throw after spinning around and around and around. Not that they really throw it - it's more like just letting go after so much spinning. And I never understood how they kept from throwing up right after throwing the ball. But the worst of all was when they were having some kind of tournament, which what pretty often given all the different sports that they played at that place, and had that insipid popular music playing at earsplitting levels that made your chest vibrate and eardrums hurt and head pound, since he really preferred acoustic blues.