The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60709   Message #973087
Posted By: DonMeixner
26-Jun-03 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: Books That Most Influenced You
Subject: RE: Books That Most Influenced You
Robert Heinlein's books, every one of them but Stranger in a Strange Land amazed and thrilled me. Kept me reading as a child. From there I went on to Mars (Barsoom) and Zitadars and Thoats. I came to appreciate the importance of having a friend with four arms in a sword fight.   Ayn Rand's Anthem was the first book I read where the importance of the indiviual was primary. Then I read The Fountainhead.
Skiffs and Schooners by Pete Culler and Sensible Cruising Designs by L. Francis Herreschoff are never far from the reading lamp. Neither are Horatio Hornblower or Louis LaMour. And now and then I'll crack open the Bible.

But for all round ripping fun and carry - me - back reading I'll go to the stack of Long Boxes in the closet and get a run of Jack Kirby comics and waste a rainy afternoon.
