The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12384   Message #97336
Posted By: Margo
20-Jul-99 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: Censor Mudcat--Y or N?(NM)(not music thread)
Subject: RE: Censor Mudcat--Y or N?(NM)(not music thread)
Gargoyle, if you stayed for the ANARCHY, then why are you in favor of imposing rules?

Folks, this is incredible. It's just like a novel like "The Lord of the Flies" (No comments about who's Piggy, OK?). Here we are, brought together by a common bond; music. Then the regulars find familiarity. Then the controversy creeps in, controversy that is borne of human nature and all it's good and bad.

Government, IMHO, is a necessary evil. We want to be free and self governing. In our case, what are we suggesting that might be the reason for cencorship or 6 to 1 rules? As far as I can gather, the reasons are:

emotional distress (hurt feelings)
personal preference (want for more music posts)

So it boils down to
1)I can't help but respond to nastiness so I vote for cencorship to protect my feelings
2)I don't see this forum being what Iwant it to be so we should set rules.

Hey, I might be wrong, but the above reasons sounds like immaturity to me. There is a sure fire way to avoid being hurt by an offending person's posts: don't read them. If you don't like Margarita, you can see it's her post before you read it.

You can avoid the BS posts by not reading them. Leave the BS to the BS-ers, and move on.

As far as I can figure, that should settle this whole mess. (I've been called many things, including simplistic) So let me have it guys. Am I off base here?
