The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60709   Message #973571
Posted By: Gareth
27-Jun-03 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: Books That Most Influenced You
Subject: RE: Books That Most Influenced You
Hmmm ! Books and why ?

Well, and they are obscure but politically -

"In Place of Fear" - Nye Bevan

"A Candle in the Darkness" - Jenny Lee. I very much, very much, regret lending my autographed copy of this out - It was never returned.

Both political tomes - but dealt with practicalities

And C S Foresters Novel - "The General" predated the "Hornblower series - but as an analysis of a the thinking and sense of duty of an Army Officer, well it's without measure - get it fron your libuary and read, then re read.

And then there's the early (on publication date) C s Forster Hornblower series, "A Happy Return", " Ship of the Line" & "Flying Colours" - I can and do read them and read them again. I must confess that when I have a problem, if the answer is not clear I sit down and ask myself, 'What would Hornblower have done ?'

I would also bring to your collective attention some other Forester Novels

"Brown on Resolution" a study of duty and obligation, as is "Death to the French, aka The Adventures of Rifleman Dodd"

Foresters Novel "The Good Shepard" - a narrative of a USN Officer, stressed to the limit by his own limitations.

And "The Ship" - an examination of the mental processes of individual crew members of an RN light Cruiser, escorting a Convoy into Malta.
Possibly, just possibly, based on the history of HMS "Penlople".

Enjoy your reading !!!!!
