The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12384   Message #97362
Posted By: Peter T.
20-Jul-99 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: Censor Mudcat--Y or N?(NM)(not music thread)
Subject: RE: Censor Mudcat--Y or N?(NM)(not music thread)
I sure could use some of those good old Ethermotor Drops right now, sitting here on the old Mudcat porch listening to the banjo music of Dock Boggs, with the Rick Fielding CD expected any moment through the Sear catalogue, and in the near distance that most beautiful of all sounds: human beings raising their hearts in harmonious song. All that I would then lack would be sweet Alice by my side, and surely then we would move on through the summer in blitheness and grace.
How's that?
yours, Peter T.