The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12384   Message #97367
Posted By: Fadac
20-Jul-99 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: Censor Mudcat--Y or N?(NM)(not music thread)
Subject: RE: Censor Mudcat--Y or N?(NM)(not music thread)
Speaking of lube. The very best for critical instruments is...whale oil. Yes that is not pc, but long time ago, I had a small jar of the stuff. The best part was that it would never gum up. Used to use it on things like adding machines, clocks, typewriters, firearms, etc. Oh, yes, my mother's sewing machine. Of course you can't get it anymore. There is supposed to be a replacement, but after a while it gums up and messes up the works.

I had a three speed, three cylinder VW, one time. No 3rd gear and no #3 cylinder. Ran like crap.
