The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60734   Message #973722
Posted By: GUEST
28-Jun-03 - 02:59 AM
Thread Name: Duel - MC Fat & Old Git
Subject: RE: Duel - MC Fat & Old Git
I have just read back my drivel - I am not sure what you all 'no' but you do 'know' could I spell it 'gno' and use it to mean either - maybe I will just stick to sign langauge (never was any good at multi-tasking and thinking and typing comes into that category)

Anyway now that I have extended the drivel I have just seen MCFAT and discussed said duel - so whether you lot say 'no' or not he wants a duel. Since OLD GIT doesnt know if he can make it to Clekythump and they are both on the bill for the late night extra at Saddleworth that seems a good venue to me. MCFAT is concerned he wont have enough supporters there though

ALIO if you are out there you might have a new session to rival the wars of the roses - still cant understand how you can get a little fat Scot to represent Yorkshire