The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60709   Message #973835
Posted By: Desdemona
28-Jun-03 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: Books That Most Influenced You
Subject: RE: Books That Most Influenced You
Definitely "Alice in Wonderland", I've read it every few years or so since I was 9!

Most of Shakespeare, plays and sonnets; "Wuthering Heights"; "Huckleberry Finn"; "Tom Sawyer"; "Pride and Prejudice"....well, Jane Austen full stop, really; "Lonesome Dove" (a truly brilliant novel); "The Waning of the Middle Ages"; "The Grapes of Wrath"; most of EM Forster ("Maurice" being a notable exception); "The Lord of the Rings"; "The Chronicles of Narnia"; "Good Omens"; seemingly millions of med/Ren history could go on forever....