The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60652   Message #974124
Posted By: Bobert
29-Jun-03 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Devil Racism Scores Big
Subject: RE: BS: Devil Racism Scores Big
Opps. Wrong room... again. You folks is nuts. This ain't about intellegence... but, ahhhh, opportunity. Yeah, you can drag it under the microscope but comes down to....simple.... opportunity. Same all over the world....

But groups can be fooled into thinkin' they are this way or that way.
And so they become their own self phropetized selves.

And groups of people can be manipulated into thinking a certain way about themselves and folks, ahhh, *like* 'em.

Well, being anything but a "white male" in the US is a difficult propostion. One realizes that "white males" run the joint, do most of the hiring and firing and are most likely to sue you if you cross them. Or worse? *Others* seem to underdstand this. Yeah, I'm sure that this is foriegn to some, but its the way that a lot of folks, including white women, see the game.

Now if every one is real warm and fuzzy with this arrangement, then fine. Far be it for me, the Bobert, to stand in the way of taking what I consider to be a serious question about levelin' the playing fiel and letting it interfer with acadical squabbling...

Nop sir, 'er mam...
