The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59427   Message #974397
Posted By: Bernard
29-Jun-03 - 08:45 PM
Thread Name: Singaround, Lymm, Cheshire
Subject: RE: Singaround, Lymm, Cheshire
From what I've seen, Matthew, you need to be worrying more about Liquor Mortis!!!

Seriously (?!), the lack of competitiveness is what is making 'Snog in the Guns' so enjoyable. As Harry said, it isn't intense. We've all been to those sort of gatherings...!!

We aren't looking for prissy perfection, we are enjoying the beauty of traditional-style songs in the type of setting that they were mostly intended for. That's why it's so good!

Although most of the songs are Acker Bilk... erm, Acapulco... errrr... unaccompanied, it isn't exclusively so. However, anyone turning up with a Marshall stack and Fender Strat will find we are a tad hostile...!!