The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60813   Message #974676
Posted By: Shonagh
30-Jun-03 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: Local Heroes
Subject: RE: Local Heroes
Ahhh, So so many!! All the people at my local folk club who have encouraged me and believed in me throughout the years. They've supported me at local gigs and further afield - Keith Cockburn, Colin Campbell, Aly Walls, Jimmy Mitchell, Gordon Campbell, Davy and Sandra McIntosh, Lindy Cheyne, Ian Hamilton, the list could go on! But of course a special mention to my mum and dad who have had to drive me about for the last 4 years to folk clubs and festivals and gigs, Its ok now that im learning to drive! They are my real local heroes! (aw! aint that sweet!hehe) sho x