The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60761   Message #975204
Posted By: Deckman
02-Jul-03 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hospital Roommates**Got a Story???
Subject: RE: BS: Hospital Roommates**Got a Story???
Good story Rick. Once when I was stuck in hospital bed for three weeks of traction, they wheeled a flippin' teenager into MY room. That was viable proof that they not only didn't know or care about me at all but that they didn't even care if the youngster lived or died. ANYONE who had listened to me for two minutes would have KNOWN never to put me in the same county with a teenager, let alone the same room! Anyway, it wasn't long before the battles began: TV or no TV. (I won) Rock music? Again I won. Many visitors all day long (mostly teenagers again) I lost. After two days of the crap, I was getting desperate so I pulled out my secret weapon ... threats ... but ONLY in Finnish! At first he was curious as to what I was mumbling. But after I added the eyeball to eyeball contact, he began to get nervous. I knew I was winning when I awoke from one of my drug induced dreams to hear him begging the nurse to move him to another room. After he had been successfully placed in some other room (I was hoping it was the morgue) the charge nurse come in to chew me out. I just stared at her and spoke Finn! (I know I was bad, but I had to do SOMETHING!). CHEERS, Bob